Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury After a Trucking Accident
Tucker Long P.C. | August 15, 2019
A trucking accident can easily be more catastrophic than a standard motor vehicle collision due to the immense size and weight of the truck. A commercial truck can exceed 80,000 pounds in weight, while the average passenger car weighs 3,000 to 4,000 pounds.
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 4,657 fatal accidents involved large trucks in 2017. This was a 10% increase from 2016. Because of the severity of these crashes, one of the most common causes of death in trucking accidents is serious traumatic brain injury.
Severe TBI symptoms
A severe brain injury can be fatal. If a victim does survive a violent blow to the head in a trucking accident, he or she could experience a wide range of symptoms:
- Loss of consciousness for an extended amount of time
- Confusion or memory loss
- Seizures
- Sensory losses
- Coma or vegetative state
No two brain injuries are alike. Each victim may experience unique signs and symptoms. In general, however, if someone loses consciousness because of a bump to the head, he or she should go to the hospital for a checkup.
Mild TBI Symptoms
Physicians often say there is no such thing as a minor brain injury. The brain is a delicate organ that can suffer severe damages in even minor trucking accidents. Any degree of damage could cause long-term or permanent brain cell death and related symptoms.
The most common type of mild brain injury is a concussion. These can happen in a trucking accident if the victim strikes his or her head on an object, impacting the skull and the brain. Common symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury include headaches, nausea, blurred vision, fatigue, confusion, dizziness or mood changes.
Concussions typically heal on their own, with rest. A patient may need surgery or other treatments for a more severe brain injury. All types of brain injuries may give the victim the right to pursue compensation from the at-fault truck driver or trucking company in Georgia.